
Finding Home

Archive for the day “April 7, 2018”

Real paper tickets.

Hello from cloudy, cold Vermont. Tuesday afternoon, if all goes well, I’ll land safely at San Antonio Airport and take a cab to the Riverwalk, where I’ll be staying for the better part of the week. I’m attending a distance learning conference for online librarians, the first real professional development I’ve had since I started at the college almost twelve years ago. When I began working at the library, I read all I could find about embedded librarianship, I talked with a few librarians who worked with online students, and then created my own distance learning program. I started with a pilot of four courses, and now I’m in 84 classes, posting lessons regarding information literacy, and answering both faculty and student reference questions. I continue to question my approach.  I always ask myself, “How can I do this better?” “How I reach more students?” How I can I foster deeper relationships with faculty?”

At this conference, I’ll be surrounded by peers. I can’t wait to absorb what they say, and I can’t wait to attend lots of workshops so I can learn new approaches to information literacy. The hotel looks stunning on the website, the Riverwalk lively and beautiful, and the weather promises to be in the seventies and eighties. I’ve borrowed Serena’s travel carryon and dug out my spring purse. I think I’m ready as can be, as long as I remember my tickets and passport.

I am nervous about going through security. Last time I flew was maybe twelve years ago, back when they still had real paper tickets. Now I have this print off from Expedia that says it’s a ticket, but where’s the stub? Where’s the part you keep in your pocket to slip into your journal as a reminder of where you went? Hmm. And I had to choose my own seats online. If I did that right, then I’ll have a window seat for each part of my flight. If not, I’m not quite sure what will happen. Do I go back home? All this “self-service” gives me the jitters.

Besides attending the conference, these are the things I’m looking forward to: stretching out on a pool chair and getting some sun. Finishing crossword puzzle number 46. Journaling. Seeing the Alamo. Sleeping on the plane, sleeping through the night, sleeping on the pool chair. And checking out all the shops on the Riverwalk to find that perfect souvenir to bring home to my family.

I return on Saturday evening, probably just in time to walk the dog and stack the dishwasher for the night. When I return to work on Sunday, I will sport a tan and a new perspective.  And I might let out a few yodels.

Have you ever been to the Riverwalk? Check back next week for another segment of Finding Home.







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